The Campus

The Campus

Why Choose Westmount Corporate Campus?

WestMount recognizes that organizations of all types face many challenges to attract and retain human capital. WestMount provides these organizations with important leverage; a workplace environment that helps keep employees enthusiastic and motivated.

  • 10 minutes from downtown Calgary
  • Abundant parking (3 stalls per 1000 sq. ft.)
  • 25% discount to comparable downtown operating costs
  • Serviced by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) offering frequent, limited-stop service to Westbrook LRT & Heritage LRT transit hubs
  • Sustainable design and construction; LEED Certified
  • Campus setting with significant landscaping and open space
  • Close proximity to numerous amenities
  • Contemporary and unique architectural design
  • Convenient access to all quadrants of Calgary
  • Flexible space options; varying building sizes and floor plates
Why Choose Westmount Corporate Campus?
The Campus
Location Map







Westmount Corporate Campus property management is committed to partnering with tenants on reducing the Complex’s environmental footprint, while enhancing workplace wellness for all occupants.
